Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Fab 4" Reflection

Our children's literature book, "The Joy of Children's Literature", has opened up new doors to the many different ways that I can incorporate children's literature into my future lesson plans in my classroom.  By creating the fab four on the four selected chapters, I became familiar with information that the textbook shared that I would have overlooked before.
When we first got assigned this assignment, I was not thrilled about doing it.  I thought it was just going to be a waste of my time and it was just another useless assignment that I was going to turn in but never look at again.  However, as I started to do this assignment, I decided to choose chapters that I would not normally want to read about.  Surprisingly, I found a lot of good information when reading my “Fab 4” chapters and made a lot of teacher connections, along with some good examples of each literature that I may want to use one day in my classroom.

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